Marvel Studios has unleashed the first official trailer for “Captain America: Brave New World,” marking a historic milestone as Anthony Mackie’s Sam Wilson takes center stage in his first solo outing as the star-spangled Avenger. The trailer debut showcases Mackie wielding the iconic shield in what promises to be one of the MCU’s most ambitious projects to date.
The pulse-pounding footage wastes no time in introducing the film’s main threat – the towering Red Hulk, with Harrison Ford’s Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross transformed into the crimson powerhouse. The trailer teases several explosive confrontations between Captain America and this gamma-powered antagonist, setting the stage for a clash that could shake the foundations of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Beyond the high-stakes action, the trailer offers glimpses of returning faces, including Danny Ramirez as Joaquin Torres and Liv Tyler as Betty Ross. The footage suggests a story that blends intense superhero action with political intrigue, maintaining the hallmark complexity that Captain America films are known for.
As part of Marvel’s Phase 5, “Captain America: Brave New World” represents a new chapter in the franchise’s evolution. The trailer’s tone and scale hint at a film that honors the legacy of the shield while forging its own path forward in the ever-expanding Marvel universe.
The film joins the MCU’s growing roster of new heroes taking on legendary mantles, with Sam Wilson’s Captain America standing at the forefront of this brave new era of superhero storytelling.